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mands or other forms of contact from the villain appear, leaving the police baffled as to the motive. These geniuses may become the heads of top-secretsuperhuman powers, or a physicist seeking the secrets of research organizations, black science laboratories, gov-the universes creation (even if it means its destruction as ernment projects, or even presidents or CEOs of majorwell). A Jobber whoother minor villains, hold down apartments, and may have can maneuver around on the ceiling pairs well with an-families to support. Instead, they are nigh-omnipotent nuisances for he does!But its not real!). The villain simplyagility and confusion, particularly mixing things up in has the misfortune of choosing a target who is secretlyclose combat. Advantages: Hide in Plain Sight, Luck 4, Redirect, Startle. MythComicSetting / Myth Comics / Rules / Mutants and Masterminds 3e / DC Universe / DC Adventures - Heroes & Villains Vol 2.pdf Go to file Go to file T; Go to line L; Copy path Copy permalink; This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. It can be a device character with truly limitless power, even beyondbook of spells, a magical talisman, cosmic artifact, piece that of the item given in the archetypes stats. A variant of the Immortal Overlord is the Temporal Over-ARMORED OVERLORD lord, who may also be ageless, but appears throughout history due to the ability to move back and forth betweenA common archetype in the comics, the Armored Over- different eras. Vampires have an array of mystic and perhaps even sunlight, although bright light usuallypowers and minions at their command, but also a number still pains Living Vampires (perhaps due to a skin condi-of distinct vulnerabilities. ness the same).EVIL NINJA ULTIMATE FIGHTERBlack-clad ninja have been staples of the comic books for The Ultimate Fighter is all about the art in martial art-decades. Add In a superhero setting, a robot may actually be an ar-the Morph effect to the archetypes powers, and any skills tificial construct given animation and intelligence byDELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 133MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS means other than technology. The last survi-year, and the best unarmed fighters in the world are invit- vor manages to reach the heroes and warn them of theed to attend and fight each other for the prize of being de- danger facing the world before he, too, perishes. OVERLORDThe Overlord is a true master villain, possessed of a bril- is usually an advanced suit of power-armor, although itliant mind and formidable force of will. Skills: Athletics 6 (+12), Perception 6 (+7).fledged character, not subject to the minion rules. Usually this involves nighttimeMore powerful Vampires have greater and more varied thefts from hospitals and biomedical companies, perhapspowers. Skills: Close Dinosaurs are most commonly the minions of monster-Combat: Claws 2 (+5), Deception 4 (+4), Expertise: Magic 4 makers who have resurrected them using cloning, or time-(+4), Insight 4 (+4), Perception 4 (+4), Stealth 4 (+9). This may or may not be tied to the Psychos main obsession. Mutants & Masterminds Deluxe Hero's HandbookThe World's Greatest Superhero RPG!Authors: Steve Kenson with Leon Chang, Seth Johnson, Jon Leitheusser, and Prof. Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed.Format: 320 pages, full color, Hardback Since 2002, Mutants & Masterminds has earned its title as the World's Greatest Superhero RPG, inspiring countless game sessions and winning many awards for . Cultists are often fanatically The term Cult Master is a bit of a misnomer, since manyloyal to their cause, making them effective minions will- so-called Masters are in fact servants of a master villain,ing to do anything for their master. The city might be surrounded byan impenetrable shield, or even transported off theearthly plane altogether. Click to view in fullscreen Zoom In. Defenses: Dodge 6, Parry 6, (+8). ITS ALL THE SUITThe Jobber is a classic low-power goon who nonetheless Many Jobbers rely on advanced technology to providebrings some powers to the fight. In some their archenemies! 12 Heroes: Delusions of being a costumed hero or having powers, stalker-like obsession with a particular hero or team, gadgets intended to duplicate various powers. 10 Games: Complex games (puzzles, board games, even RPGs) as crimes, use of game tokens as props and weapons. Only after the goodDELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 117MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS guys realize theyve been hoodwinked do they discover For a twist on this scenario, the villain might not be im-evidence (a discarded mask or the unconscious form of personating the characters heroic persona, but his secretthe real person) that the villain is long gone. Ideally, the heroes can fig-ure out a pattern to the attacks and anticipatewhere the villain will strike next, perhaps allow-ing them the opportunity to lay a trap.MASTER OF THE WORLD!Using the Item of Power, the Nobody transforms the he-roes home city into his personal fiefdom, with himselfas its supreme ruler. lain time to gloat and arrange a proper demise for the in- terfering heroes.Exactly what the ritual is intended to do is up to the GMand depends on the Sorcerers ultimate goals. Defenses: Dodge 3, Parry 3, GIANT FLYTRAP PL9 MR2Fortitude 12, Toughness 15, Will 6. The Serpent Society. Defenses:ranks in Shrinking and correspondingly greater Str. Trained war-horses have higher Fgt orthem common adversaries, as criminals and legitimate se- Close Combat skill. Name Ideas: Adonis, Bloody Mary, Chiaroscuro, Figment, Mirror Miser, Refractor, Shadowplay 40 points Poison with venom (Weaken Stamina 8, Resisted by Fortitude; Accurate), hallucinogenic poison (alternate; Af- fliction 8, Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Compelled, Controlled; Accurate), paralytic poison (alternate; Affliction 8, 1011 Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Paralyzed; Accurate), poison spray (alternate; Line Area Weaken Stamina 4, Resisted by Fortitude), and sneaky (Enhanced Stealth 10, Movement 1 [slithering or wall-crawling 2]). To further complicate matters, thecility, but there is evidence the systems failure was caused Robot might use captured humans as carriers, leavingby a break in, by someoneor somethingthat man- the heroes with the dilemma of whether or not they canaged to escape. Most often this technique issome sort of close combat attack, withan Affliction or Weaken effect. Totals: Abilities 10 + Powers 8 Perception 4 (+5). From Cro-Magnum, the gunslinging neanderthal, to Schadenfreude's Cat, we're sure you'll find characters in this . 10 = Total 60 points.Brute demons are dull-witted creatures that bully and Six-foot-tall carnivorous pack-hunters, deinonychus arepummel their prey. Advantages: Connected, [8 miles], Increased Mass 3], Move Object 6). The morethe villain learns, the more effec-tive he becomes, until the time isripe to confront the heroes anddefeat them with their own abilities!THE BAD WITH THE GOODA common complication forMimics is a tendency to ac-quire their subjectsweakness-es along with their strengths.This may allow the heroesto capitalize on their knownweaknesses to slow or over-come the villain, althoughsome Mimics learn to com-DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 123MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS as super-speed and shrinking, or stretching and super- and can duplicate. STR 2, STA , AGL 6, DEX 0, FGT 6, INT , AWE 7, PRE Faeries are capricious little creatures that dwell wheremagic still runs thick, or in their own magical realms. Some real name or a suitable surnamelike Arkana, Improbable,may have Summon as well, being able to call their mon- Malevolence, Malific, Quark, and so forth.strous minions out of nowhere or control them directly. OtherDELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 103MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS JOBBER PL8 STR STA AGL DEX FGT INT AWE PRE 23 1 1 4010 POWERS DEFENSE 8 FORTITUDE 9 Armored Costume: Protection 5 5 points DODGE 8 TOUGHNESS 8/3* Jobber Schtick: Powers based on theme (see Jobber Themes PARRY WILL 7 *Without Protection bonus sidebar) SKILLS POWER POINTS 24 SKILLS 17 varies DEFENSES 23 Athletics 5 (+7), Expertise: Streetwise 8 (+8), Intimidation 6 (+6), ABILITIES TOTAL 72+ Perception 4 (+5), Ranged Combat: Powers 7 (+8), Technology POWERS 8 4 (+4) ADVANTAGES ADVANTAGES COMPLICATIONS Beginners Luck, Close Attack 2, Improved Initiative, Power Accident: The Jobber is especially prone to causing mayhem Attack, Takedown, Teamwork, Ultimate Effort (Toughness and accidents, or losing control of their powers. The villain can prepare coun- ponents, the Master of Disguise tends toward the bettertermeasures, from special layered materials to chemical part of valor when it comes to superhumans, opting tosprays to mind-shielding devices, to fool or defeat heroes retreat when discovered. Defenses 13 = Total 36 points.Aquatic animals are adapted for life underwater: they ef-fectively have Immunity to Drowning and the Movement Bears stand nearly 12 feet tall on their hind legs and weigh(Environmental Adaptation) effects. Beginners Luck, Ranged Attack 4 disdainful of self-control and thelittle peoplewho are no longer a threat or concern.I DIDNT KNOW I COULD DO THAT! Some Items of Power even actively corrupt their wielders,Given their typically accidental origin stories, Jumped-Up their essences tainted by evil magic, or perhaps possessedNobodies rarely understand their powers very well. Alternately, you can confront the good guyswith an entire team or family of vampires at roughly theirpower level.DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 141MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS nesses, such as holy water, garlic, wooden stakes, and tombs, and ruins to piece together the clues to itsmost of allsunlight. Offense: end, the spawn of science run amok, aliens, beings from Init +0,Tail Strike +6 (Close, Damage 12). Most have a particular or represents one particular discovery they stumbledobsession or theme to their abilities that both limits across. Of course, you can choose to treat Powers: Growth 4 (Permanent, Innate), Protection 2, Sensesa particularly exceptional minion or lieutenant as a full- 1 (Accute Smell). Assistants include the following:may double as effectiveminions, if they have other THEY CALLED ME MAD!useful abilities. A Mad heaven and creating new life in defiance of the laws ofScientist arms merchant can explain the widespread use nature. 1.1 Main Page/Player. Skills: Perception 4 (+11), Stealth 4 (+10). Offense: Init +4, Bite +6 from the dawn of life on Earth, an alien visitor, or demonic (Close, Damage 3). 100% Upvoted. Skills: This archetype represents a wide variety of small, poison- Perception 6 (+8), Stealth 2 (+12). Defenses: Dodge 3, Parry 3, FortitudeSkills: Expertise: One Craft 4 (+4), Intimidation 10 (+8), Stealth 6, Toughness 5, Will . Skills: Perception 6 (+9). The Area Perception Affliction attack courage them to play along, or he might simply show upis there for just such a reason: it lets the Nobody entangle at their headquarters or a public event and attack them.a group of heroes in energy bonds (earth manacles, the Ideally, the Nobody wants an audience to witness hisgrasping skeletal hands of undead minions, or whatnot) inevitable victory; if theyre not cheering him on, well,and then let them have it while their mobility is limited. They may have villain uses the item, the worse the effects get. Totals: Abilities 2 + Powers 43 + Advantages 0 + Skills 3 + Defenses 11 = Total 55 points. If it los-NAME IDEAS es one set of powers, it can switch to others, and so forth.Archetype, Doppelganger, Dupplex, Echo, Legion, Sometimes this particular problem extends to taking onTemplate, Totem, Touchstone some of the subjects personality traits (and related com- plications) as well as abilities, especially for Mimics thatCLASSIC BITS are essentially blank slates otherwise. - Mutants & Masterminds | PDF - The Largest RPG one-two punch that helps a mastermind manage an en- tire team of heroes in combat. Necessary-Flan-3766. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You can make are possible with additional ranks of Growth.larger and more powerful dragons by adding ranks ofGrowth to the archetype. Totals: Abilities 18 + Powers 50 + Advantages 3 + Skills 7 TULPA PL7 MR5(14 ranks) + Defenses 9 = 87 points. Sentinels of Earth-Prime Nisaba Press Fiction: Free Downloads This section presents an index, automatically generated by our server, of all the free downloads available for fans of Nisaba Press fiction. You can create similar animals fromnap guests the villain wishes to entertain. Heroes often a basic archetype, such as basing a rhino off the elephantsspend more time in an adventure interacting with min- traits, or an antelope off the herd animal or horse. Editable Character Sheet PDF. Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Edition - Updated for 3e. ATHE VILLAIN-MAKER Mad Scientist Arms Merchant is turning a tidy profit from sales of the devices. The villains powersmight also be dependent on a se- In the case of a player character, thisrum or other source. At the highest level,the Master of Disguise becomes more of a NO, IM THE REAL ONE!Mimic (see the Mimic archetype). Mad scientists in particular maymodifytheir sharks to add cy- bernetic weapons or the ability to run across dry land. At first, the good guys might not know the Imp is behind it all. It can getthe story and loses them by the end. sistants and minions to get them! A Mad Scientist with the heroes in his clutches can go on for some time aboutTHE LAB his brilliance, but catch one out in the open and hes more likely to cower behind his flunkies or try and make a breakEvery scientist needs somewhere to work, and setting up, for it.maintaining, and supplying a lab or workshop is impor-tant. 7 PDF books from Mutants & Masterminds first edition, including . Optionally, you may wish to have printed copies of the many Mutants & Masterminds books available from Green Ronin Publishing (but they are not required in order to play or run a game.) If the villain provides their own technol-earn a measure of respect working as the strong arms for ogy, can they provide a similar (less powerful) version ofa criminal syndicate under a Crime Lord or Mad Scientist, that same technology to their minions, or even sell it toand just as many still trash talk and posture no matter how other criminals? Naming Ideas: Dr. Feelbad, Ghost Shrew, Injector, Mr. Medici, Pusher, Scorpion X 19 points Stilts/Spiders/Striding with long-legs (Elongation 4 [limited to legs], Speed 4), kickback (Strength-Based Damage 1213 4; Accurate; Linked to Close Move Object 8 [limited to away]), and Teflon-coating (Immunity 1 [being climbed]). You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 37 to 54 are not shown in this preview. Do not overlook the Martial Artists abilityhero turning against a teacher who stepped over the line to use Redirect when fighting multiple opponents, settingor unable to save a student who followed the wrong path. Faiths & Pantheons WE Epic Enhancement (6 Frames) Epic Insights Forgotten Realms - D&D 3e - Oct 2002. Mimics often use novel combinations of traitsKNOW YOUR ENEMY from different targetssuchSince Mimics often benefit from first- or even second-handknowledge of their subjects, they may make an effortto observe a group ofheroes carefully andgather informationbefore confrontingthem. Specifically rouges gallery and emerald city books, Im looking for mutants and masterminds 3e books. In particular, their Summon allows them toThe Baron, The Blood Count (or Countess), DeGhul, Diable, control swarms of bats and rats, or packs of wolves to doNosferatu, Sangr, Schreck their bidding.CLASSIC BITS A Vampires other thralls include victims under its mental influence, lesser Vampires of its creation, and possibleThe following are some classic bits associated with the other monsters, such as an assistant or some creation ofVampire archetype: the Vampires science or magic.HAUNTED MANOR If the Vampires bite is addictive or in some way grants supernatural influence over the victim, assign theThe archetypal lair for the Vampire is a spooky old castle or archetype a suitable Affliction, Limited to victims of themanor house. Finance: Either amoneybagsorpoor-housepersona, obsession with obtaining or destroying wealth, 8 banking and finance gimmicks (bags with dollar signs, fountain pens, free toasters, barrels, bears and bulls, etc.). And if there is one weakness, its always a pretty face. Unfortunately, as initially tempting as it mightSome Imps seem like adults at first, but demonstrate in- appear to have an ally with unlimited power, the heroescreasingly childish behavior, revealing their true nature. The already-powerful villaindo exactly as they are told, or the prisoners will be tor- displays massive and previously unknown levels of power,mented in a hellish netherworld for eternity. Offense: Init +2, Claws +7 (Close, Damage 3). Taken to extremes, the some sort, or even an outcast.villain might have a transparent skull, a brain-like patternof folds on his head as though his brain were escaping, or An Alien Mastermind typically has access to advancedeven being all brain, with no physical body at all! Powers: Flight 3 (16 MPH; Wings, Subtle), Senses 2 (Low-light Vision, Ultravision), Shrinking 8 (Permanent, Innate). Instead of a big, damaging blast, theThe following are some things regularly associated with Imp is more likely to bring buildings or statues to life tothe Imp: fight the heroes, or enlarge ordinary urban rats or roach- es into giant monsters. Advantages: Improved Grab. The Frightful Four. By the time the just as much of a threat as the Robot, giving the heroesheroes realize their danger, it is usually too late to stop the twice the trouble!Robot from overwhelming and defeating them. Sociology: On a broader level than individual psychology, a mad sociologist (or perhaps a mad anthropologist) could develop means of manipulating entire societies or subcultures, perhaps through energized memes or social engineering. Such a villain could potentially take over the world without anyone even knowing it! It attacks by engulfing targets and usingits Affliction, which represents numerous stings or bites. In essence, the villain ence, so the other players cant tell the dif-can pull off a near-perfect ference quite so easily.deception, circumventingdiscovery due to gaps in The classic way the good guys figure outknowledge, at least so long the truth is the real heros willingness to sac-as the victim fails to resist rifice for the greater good, and knowledgethe mental effect. Are Some classic elements associated with the Jobber include:their abilities from a magic source, strange radiation, or astrangely specific mastery of science? Totals:OWL PL2 MR2 Abilities 10 + Powers 33 + Advantages 1 + Skills 7 + Defenses STR 2 STA 2 AGL 2 DEX 2 FGT 1 INT 4 AWE 2 PRE 3 6 = Total 37 points. Necessity is, as they say, the Shield granted by the Item of Power makes the archetypemother of invention, so the Nobody is more likely to try highly resistant to a direct assault. Comic the result of a biological accident or experiment, perhapsbook Vampires tend to focus less on the horror aspects concerning tissue regeneration or blood-borne diseases.of the legend and treat them more as an exotic type of The villain often has the various qualities of a Vampire,super-human. roes have to locate the secret school and break it up, all the while dealing with the Shadow Sensei and the lat- est class of students, for whom this may be their gradu- ation exercise.DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 115MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS MASTER OF DISGUISEThe Master of Disguise is a specialist in deception, able (affecting only the villain and only to match thought to ap-to appear as anyone, or perhaps even anything! Whatever it is, it should most definitely include a title like Doctor or Professor (I didnt attend eight years of evilMonster-Makers have the Minions advantage for their university to be called Mister!). This can be by design of therobots artificial intelligence or a limitation in its program-ming. Slaying the master Vampire often serves to free any victims.140 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESVAMPIRE PL9STR STA AGL DEX FGT INT AWE PRE 6 --- 1 2 6 1 3 3 POWERS OFFENSE INITIATIVE +5 Close, Damage 6 Children of the Night: Summon Animals 2 (Bats, Rats, Unarmed +9 or Wolves; Horde, Mental Link, Multiple Minions 6 (64 minions)) 31 points DEFENSE 9 FORTITUDE Immune Form of Mist: Insubstantial 2 10 points DODGE 10 TOUGHNESS 7 PARRY Spider-Climb: Movement 1 (Wall-crawling) 2 points WILL 9 Undead Invulnerability: Immortality 10 (Not When Staked POWER POINTS or Beheaded), Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects), Impervious Protection 7 (Limited: Not Versus Blessed, Magical, or Silver ABILITIES 34 SKILLS 31 Weapons), Regeneration 10 (Source: Blood) 52 points 18 POWERS 98 DEFENSES 188 Vampiric Bite: Weaken Stamina 9 (Resisted by Fortitude), Limited to Draining 1 rank per round, Grab-based 3 points ADVANTAGES 7 TOTAL SKILLS COMPLICATIONS Close Combat: Unarmed 3 (+9), Deception 7 (+10), Expertise: Dependence: The Vampire must feed on blood or weaken. SOVEREIGNTYThe Overlords plans for the heroes might involve morethan just getting them out of the way. Totals: Abilities 4 + Powers 8 + Advantages 0 + Skills 3 + Dodge 2, Parry 2, Fortitude 5, Toughness 4, Will 1. Totals: Abilities 12 + Powers 5 + Advantages 0 + Skills 2 (4 ranks) + Defenses 6ELEPHANT PL8 MR2 = 25 points. Defense: Dodge 10, Parry 6, Fort 3, Tou 0, spiders and scorpions as well.Will 6. dering in the fields of madness. STR 2, STA 4, AGL 2, DEX 2, FGT 2, INT 4, AWE 1, PRE 2 CULT ACOLYTE PL1 MR1 Powers: Shadow Magic Array (Ranged Damage 6 [Icy Shadows], Ranged Affliction 6 [Paralyzing Fear; Hindered, Immobile, STR 0 STA 0 AGL 0 DEX 0 FGT 0 INT 0 AWE 0 PRE 0 Paralyzed; Resisted by Will], Teleport 3 [250 feet; Extended Equipment: Dagger (Damage 1). It might need thecal information, but that does not have to be the case. Defenses: Dodge 6, Parry 6, Fortitude 4, Toughness 2, Will 4. This includes: Character Sheets (Official and Fanmade) FULL ebooks GM Kit Tips & Tricks Etc and our If so, award the players a hero point when they learn the truth.In general, if the villain genuinely wouldnt know abouta heros particular sensory advantage, its best to let the Try not to overuse this trick, as it is likely to make the play-good guy learn the truth and act on it. and finds evidence of a double life.CAPERS WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESEAdventures involving the Master of Disguise may include A villain or team of villains moves against the heroes inthe following: a devastating lightning attack that targets their weak- nesses, secret identities, and even families and loved onesYOU STOLE MY LIFE! Offense: Init +0, Unarmed +0 (Damage 0). GRR5506e_SupernaturalHandbook_Preview01.pdf, GRR5506e_SupernaturalHandbook_Preview02.pdf, MutantsAndMasterminds_CrisisOnChristmas.pdf, Mutants-Masterminds-Adventure_Monster-Mash-Up.pdf, GRR5505e-Threat-Report-PDF-Preview-Starbreed.pdf, GRR5506e_SupernaturalHandbook_Preview03.pdf, GRR5516e_BasicHerosHandbook_CharacterSheet.pdf, Mutants-Masterminds-Adventure-NothingToFear.pdf. behind by certain powers, either by means of a device122 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESor power, allowing the villain to duplicate the effect. Defenses 0 = Total 5 points. Modify this as suits the desired power level for the character and series.ASSISTANTS Similarly, the archetype does not account for whateverIn addition to a lab, minions the Mad Scientist may have, fromMad Scientists often hired goons to home-made monsters.need assistants to do Include them to help run interfer-the grunt work around ence for the villain and provide thethe place. CHECK THIS OUTCANT TOUCH ME Jobbers have a tendency to reinvent themselves along their theme, returning with new skills, new advantages,While Jobbers are generally considered a joke, most different minions, or changes to their powers. This is not always the case,them in a nightmare world where the villain is seemingly however, and some Masterminds are quite willing to proveall-powerful. The Puppeteers motif may in-ghost or spirit, an astral form, energy being, or even an in- volve acquiring a harem of thralls willing to do anythingtelligent virus or meme spread through physical or social to please the object of their affections. Only whenOthers change weaknesses, often within a theme, such all seems lost (the Moon begins falling out of the skyas the Imp who always leaves if you can beat him at a toward Earth, or a giant monster threatens to eat the Sun),game, but the game (and its rules) change with every does the Imp appear to harangue the hopeless heroesappearance. They often seek to rule theworld as their due, given that they are the most evolvedand developed intellect, and some even wish to bestowthe same gift on the rest of humanity, turning othersDELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 119MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS MASTERMIND PL13 STR STA AGL DEX FGT INT AWE PRE -1 0 0 0 0 9 8 2 POWERS OFFENSE INITIATIVE +0 Perception, Damage 6 Levitation: Flight 2 (MPH) 4 points Mind Blast Perception, Affliction 8 Psionic Force Field: Protection 14, Impervious 10, Sustained Mind Control Ranged, Damage 11 Telekinetic Blast +9 24 points Psionics: Array (26 points) DEFENSE 9 FORTITUDE 10 Mind Blast: Perception Ranged Damage 6, Resisted by Will, DODGE 9 TOUGHNESS 14/0* Subtle 2 26 points PARRY Mind Control: Perception Ranged Affliction 8 (Resisted by WILL 15 *Without Protection bonus Will; Dazed, Compelled, Controlled), Subtle 2 1 point POWER POINTS Telekinesis: Perception Ranged Move Object 8, Subtle 2 ABILITIES 36 SKILLS 26 1 point 35 Telekinetic Blast: Ranged Damage 11, Indirect 3, Subtle POWERS 62 DEFENSES 165 1 point ADVANTAGES 6 TOTAL Telepathy: Mind Reading 13 1 point Psychic Senses: Senses 4 (Danger Sense; Mental Awareness, COMPLICATIONS Extended 2) 4 points Disdainful: Prefers to avoid physical conflict and effort. and tell them they need to meet this latest challenge! wield as weapons.NAME IDEASBrainscan, Cerebrax, ESPer, Mentallus, Mr. You canions than they do with their boss, since the minions tend create giant animals by adding ranks of Growth (and itsto compose the majority of the challenges leading up to associated modifiers) to an archetype or robotic or un-the final confrontation with the villain. Thumbnails. In early confrontations, stead unites them into a team to oppose him! Mind Control INITIATIVE +0 thing they control in the game (their character). Mathematics: While it often seems evil, mathematics might not seem all that powerful, until you realize that it is the science underlying many other disciplines. The following are some classic bits associated with thePOWER SOURCE Jumped-Up Nobody villain archetype:Some Jumped-Up Nobodies dont gain their power from SHOWS OF POWERan item, but from another outside source. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. challenging for the heroes! Im looking for mutants and masterminds 3e books. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. In spite of theExpertise: Nature 4 (+4), Stealth 0 (+14). These might be fairly run-of-the-mill (albeitto be hands-off opponents, preferring to enact their schemes tough) minions like those from the Minion Archetypesfrom afar. Advantages 0 + Skills 4 + Defenses 4 = Total 19 points. Eventually, the Mimic will have copiedstrengthto do things their individual subjects cannot. These new abilities are an excellentthe heroes must overcome. Skills: Perception 4 1). Do the heroes get involvedand help their old foe reform, or do they watchand wait for him to relapse into his formerlyfelonious ways?DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 105MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS JOBBER THEMES D20 ELEMENT Aerialist with wings (Winged Flight 8), wing slash (Strength-Based Damage 4; Accurate 2), and avian senses (Sens- 1 es 6 [darkvision, extended vision, infravision, tracking 2]).

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